Asas-asas hubungan kemasyarakatan antara agama dalam perspektif Islam dan Kristian

The foundations of interfaith societal relations in Islamic and Christian perspectives




Foundations, Societal Relations, Religion, Guidelines


Religious diversity is unique to a society. Every country wants peace and harmony in its society, especially a country that has a society of various religions and races. Harmony is one of the main factors in the progress of a country. However, interfaith societal relations require a solid foundation to guide all levels of society in building harmonious social relations. This study refers to previous studies related to the concept of society, the foundations of interfaith societal relations according to Islam and Christianity, and the factors that contribute to neglecting the foundations of interfaith societal relations. The analysis of this study aims to identify the foundations established in Islam and Christianity for interfaith societal relations by examining the texts from the Quran and the Bible. The basic theme of interfaith societal relations is derived from the findings and explanations in both the Qur'an and the Bible, including getting to know and helping each other, being respectful, and being kind. Further, the foundations of these religious teachings show that each religion plays an essential role in upholding interfaith societal relations. This study is qualitative, and data were obtained through previous studies and texts from the Quran and the Bible. The information and data are analysed to ascertain the validity of the sources. The foundations of interfaith societal relations based on religious texts need to be highlighted for society to understand that Islam and Christianity do not reject interfaith societal relations but draw certain limits and guidelines that need to be followed.


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Author Biographies

Mirzatul Aqilah Mat Nor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), MALAYSIA



Yusri Mohamad Ramli, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), MALAYSIA




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How to Cite

Mat Nor, M. A., & Mohamad Ramli, Y. (2021). Asas-asas hubungan kemasyarakatan antara agama dalam perspektif Islam dan Kristian: The foundations of interfaith societal relations in Islamic and Christian perspectives. Al-Irsyad: Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 6(2), 718–732.